a small welsh girl who's a big fan of the internet

Tag Archives: afternoon

Questions concept

Being a blogger, I can sometimes find it hard to come up with ideas. So to make blogging easier, every month, I will be posting 10 random questions, so I have more time to think of ideas, and so my readers can get to know me better.

1. What is your favourite Yankee Candle Scent?

– Bahama Breeze or Mango Peach Salsa

yankee candle collage

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

– Los Angeles, because the weather is gorgeous most of the time, and the majority of my favourite YouTubers live there.


3. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

– Jacket Potato with Salad, because you can change the toppings, and I just love jackets and salad in general anyway.

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4. If you had a TARDIS, which time period would you visit?

– Probably around 500 ad, because so much of the world was still unexplored.


5. If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

– Invisibility, because I could walk around doing whatever I want, without anyone seeing.


6. If you were stuck on a desert island, what five things would you want to have with you?

– My bunny , my entire book collection, my entire dvd collection, my iMac, and my phone (assuming my computer and phone have unlimited battery life)


7. What is your biggest pet peeve?

– People who eat with their mouths open. (I love this picture of Obama)


8. What is your favourite part of the day?

– On weekdays: Morning

On weekends: Afternoon

morning afternoon collage

9. Are you an optimist, pessimist or realist?

– I wish I was an optimist, but I’m definitely a realist.


10. Do you like marmite?



– thetechnicolourllama